You know that unwanted fat just beneath your underwear line? The one that nobody probably notices but that irritates you because it seems unnatural and too stubborn to go away? It’s called FUPA, and annoying as it may be, there are things you can do to get rid of it even without plastic interventions – like FUPA exercises.

What Is FUPA?

FUPA, meaning fatty upper pubic area, is the excess fat on your lower abdomen, right above the pubic region. It’s a fat deposit that usually appears as a result of childbirth (mainly after C-sections), but it can also be caused by rapid weight loss (especially if it’s not accompanied by exercising), genetics, or aging.

What does a FUPA look like? A protuberance, similar to belly fat but lower. Corrective underwear will hide it pretty well.


FUPA is something natural, and many people have it. Some may not even be aware of it because it’s masked by abdominal fat. It doesn’t hurt, nor does it cause health issues. And if you have no problem with it, you can let it be and be happy.

Also, if your FUPA has appeared after a C-section, chances are it’s temporary, and it will disappear in time. Your body may need to adjust to your post-partum life. In any case, diet and exercising are out of the question when you have just given birth.

A FUPA may not be a severe issue, but if it really causes you stress, it’s a good idea to handle it. The problem is that targeted fat loss, in general, isn’t really possible; you usually need to do complex workouts for your entire body to slim down. You cannot just concentrate on a small portion.

And the FUPA region is particularly tricky. Even so, if you make a plan that includes both a correct diet and a few special FUPA exercises, you will see improvements. So here’s how to get rid of FUPA with a few changes to your lifestyle.

How to Lose Weight in the FUPA Area

Before getting into the FUPA exercises, there are a few changes you need to make toward a healthier lifestyle.

  • Reduce your calorie intake
  • Opt for foods that reduce the inflammation in your body
  • Keep your food natural and preservative-free as much as possible
  • Drink more water
  • Make your pedometer proud – at least 10,000 steps per day
  • Do some cardio to burn more calories
  • Reduce your stress level by whatever method works best for you (and whichever you have time to try). Stress is particularly linked to excessive weight in the abdominal area by causing long-term increased cortisol levels.

Since I mentioned keeping your food as natural as possible, one thing you can do is make your own salad dressings to control both the ingredients and the flavor. I posted a few yummy recipes here.

All these changes take time to show results; relevant improvement doesn’t happen overnight. And since this dense layer of fatty tissue will put up quite a fight, you can speed up the process a bit by trying some FUPA exercises.

As you will see, you need exercises that concentrate on your abdominal area, but in fact, you will be working many other muscles as well. The goal must be to tone your entire body; don’t stay focused on that tiny spot because that’s not how weight loss works.

10 FUPA Workouts to Try

1.       High plank

Woman doing a high plank - one of the best FUPA exercises.
Photo by Olivia Bauso on Unsplash

Your starting point is with your hands and knees on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Then you lift your knees, pushing your feet back. The goal is to create a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Imagine trying to extend your body while keeping this position for at least 30 seconds.

2.       Leg raises

Lie on the floor on your back, placing your hands under your bum. Keep your legs drawn together, toes pointing towards the ceiling, and start raising them until you reach a straight angle. Make sure to keep the legs tensed while you get them back on the floor. Leg raises are great FUPA exercises for beginners, so give them a try!

3.       Bicycle crunches

Woman doing bicycle crunches, one of the FUPA exercises you can try.
Image by 5132824 from Pixabay

You start on the floor, on your back, with your legs a little bent. Bring your hands towards your ears, and lift your shoulders. Then, as you extend one leg, bend the other to reach a 45-degree angle. At the same time, turn your body so that your opposite elbow almost touches the bended knee. Repeat on the other side and keep alternating.

4.       Knee tucks on a stability ball

Start from a tabletop position and place your legs on top of the stability ball, one at a time. Don’t keep your legs too close together because it will be tricky to keep your balance. Your shoulders must be over your wrists. Tense your abs and draw the ball toward your body, bending your knees and getting them to your chest. Hold this position for a second, then make the reverse move and get back to your initial position.

5.       Rollups

This time you start from a sitting position, with your arms up. Start rolling backward slowly until you are on the floor. Then start rolling back to a sitting position, keeping your arms straight in front of you. It may be a bit harder than it looks, at least at first, but these are great FUPA exercises that you can do at home.

6.       The hundred

Start by lying back on a yoga mat. Bring your chin to your chest and tense your lower abs while placing your arms straight, parallel to the floor, and locking in your elbows. Raise your legs to a 90-degree angle and keep them there. Now start moving your arms up and down until you reach 100.

7.       Lying Hip raises

Lay back on the floor, placing your arms next to your hips or under your bum. Bring your hips to 90 degrees and keep your inner knees at the same angle. Draw your belly button towards your spine and start lifting your bum off the ground, toward the ceiling and then drop it back down.

8.       Superman pose

This is actually the Superman flying position. You lie on the floor on your tummy with your arms and feet stretched out and then start lifting them slowly and then bringing them back down. Repeat for 30 seconds.

9.       Burpees

From a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, start bending down until you reach a squatting position. Next, get to a plank position, drop to the floor as you would for a push-up, and then go back to the plank position. Bring your legs to your hands, then jump back up to the initial position.

10.       Bridge exercise

Start on the floor, on your back, with your legs bent up and your arms near your hips. Next, lift your back and your bum, tilting your pelvis up and holding the position for 10 seconds, then lay back down. This is actually one of the best FUPA exercises, and it’s recommended for women recovering after either natural birth or C-section, even if there are no FUPA issues.

So Can FUPA Be Removed?

There you have it! We saw what causes a FUPA and that it’s something natural that many women go through. The good news is that whether you are facing FUPA after weight loss, after giving birth, or simply for genetic reasons, there are things you can do about it.

So if you were wondering, ‘will my FUPA go away?’ the answer is yes, through some lifestyle changes and a few simple FUPA exercises. But it won’t take a week or two. Stubborn fat never goes away that easily. The best part is that once you get used to your new routine, it will be easier to keep it up and stay healthy and fit long after the FUPA is reduced or gone.