You may find the name of my blog a little rude and unfair towards the poor little broccoli. Maybe it is. Don’t get me wrong, I know how healthy it is and why I should be eating it. I have such huge envy towards people who enjoy it. I wish I liked broccoli, it would have made things so much easier. But, unfortunately, I think it sucks!

It’s green and pretty and I bring it home from the supermarket with such great plans on how to cook it. I can even see myself with an empty plate in front of me, feeling proud I finally found an acceptable way to cook that damn vegetable. But that hasn’t happened yet. I still think it smells horrible, has the texture of something that’s been left outside the fridge for too long and it tastes like… Well, you know.

But this isn’t a blog about hating broccoli (although I suspect I could gather quite a crowd). It’s more about what broccoli represents. Some foods come with an imaginary tag that screams ‘this is diet food’. And you’re going to hate them by principle. Broccoli is one of those foods, maybe even their queen. Eating it will feel like a punishment, nobody likes restrictions.

But the fact is there are many other healthy foods out there that won’t gross us out. At least I seriously hope so. My goal is to find acceptable alternatives to this green little monster so I can stop feeling frustrated and start enjoying healthy meals. It turns out that’s what I need to do to lose weight and stop it from coming back.

It won’t be easy, because I am quite fond of tasty snacks that make my arteries clog. But there is a way to lose weight even without being unhappy about it every step of the way, and I’m going to find it!

So yes, this is yet another blog about diets and losing weight. Did the internet really need another one? Well, there’s no doubt there are tons of information on this topic one search away. That actually makes it even harder to browse through all the pages and ideas and decide which make sense and which are just garbage. I’ve been there. What am I saying? I am there! I am trying to lose weight and get healthy and it’s damn hard!

But why is that? I mean, in theory, it’s pretty simple. You wanna lose weight, stop stuffing your face with food! Yeah, if only it were that easy! You don’t see how complicated and difficult it is until it happens to you. And guess what? It can happen even if you used to be skinny or a picky eater, even if you are active, even if you think it will never happen to you.

It’s a big deal because you may discover you actually hate eating healthy. Not to mention you aren’t exactly thrilled about exercising or don’t have the time for it. And after a week of healthy living and eating that gross broccoli, for instance, you decide life is too short to be torturing yourself like that. And you’re ok with your decision until you face your mirror and your jeans…

So my plan is simple. Find a way to lose weight and get reasonably healthy without feeling miserable. In my case, that means avoiding broccoli as much as I can. Well, that and a few other small details… So come on, my little diet chasers, join me on this bumpy ride!