Everybody knows what twerking is – an energetic and provocative dance style, and definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. But have you tried a twerking workout yet? While twerking in a club may not be your thing, doing it at home can be really fun. And it will also help you lose some weight and get fit.

If you haven’t tried a twerking workout yet, maybe it’s time you gave it a chance. Exercising shouldn’t be boring, not if you want to stick to it for a long time. So a crazy twerkout can break the routine. And you don’t need to worry about not getting it right from the first time; if you do it at home, no one will know.

What Is a Twerkout?

A twerkout, or twerking workout is an out-of-the-box type of exercise, where you make the famous dance moves, thus putting your legs and your behind to work. It helps you increase your metabolism and your flexibility and can even work wonders on your confidence.

It’s not unusual for trainers to use dance moves in their workouts, and twerking is no exception. It’s mostly popular with people hoping to enhance their glutes, but it can positively affect your entire body.

How to Do a Twerking Workout

Twerking seems quite intimidating at first glance, especially if you’re not much of a dancer. But it’s not as hard as it looks. In fact, once you break it down to a few simple moves, it starts to make sense and even feels doable.

If you’re looking for some easy at-home exercises, a twerk workout can be fun. Just get your twerking workout music ready and follow these simple ‘how to twerk’ directions:

  • Step 1: Bend your knees
  • Step 2: Put your hands on your hips
  • Step 3: Turn your feet out
  • Step 4: Push your hips forward

Repeat this move and speed it up as you get used to it. But don’t overdo it; you may get hurt.

There are other moves you can try. The best way to create your twerking workout plan is to find a twerk tutorial that you like and start practicing. Here is a twerk video I find pretty easy and fun:

Twerking Workout Benefits

Does twerking count as exercise? Of course, it does. After all, people use belly dancing for weight loss, so why not a twerk workout? You’re probably wondering, ‘what muscles does twerking work?’.Well, you’ll discover you get more positive aspects than you may expect.

Here are the twerking workout benefits you can expect once you start doing it regularly:

  • You’ll get definition in your legs, as they do a large part of the work
  • It will tone your calves
  • You will strengthen your back muscles
  • Your glutes will be tighter and well-defined
  • Your hip flexibility will improve
  • Twerkouts help your joints
  • Doing this workout at home now and then will boost your metabolism but also your confidence

Twerking Workout Tips

Image by kalhh from Pixabay
  • Always stretch before starting your twerking dance workout, so you won’t pull something
  • Take it one step at a time, basic moves first
  • Add a few minutes of twerking in your usual workout routine, just to break the pace

Are there any Disadvantages of Twerking?

Learning how to twerk is fun, but you should also remember that this type of workout isn’t for everyone. There’s a reason it looks so tricky when you watch others do it; twerking can be really hard on your back.

So if your back hurts, don’t try a twerking workout; acute back pain is one of the main contraindications. If you have any back issues whatsoever, you must tell your doctor about your twerking plans before you start.

If you have already started your twerkout, don’t forget this golden rule: stop your twerking immediately if it starts to hurt. It may be necessary to find other exercises for weight loss that your body can do without issues.

Does Twerking Reduce Fat?

It’s exercising, so of course, it does. Even a twerking workout for beginners will get your heart rate up and help you burn fat.

Can twerking be a workout you can do? It can actually be a great and efficient one. It turns out that 60 minutes of twerking can help you burn up to 500 calories. You probably won’t do a one-hour twerking exercise, but even shorter sessions matter.

You will start noticing positive changes soon and realizing the importance of small victories in weight loss.

So Is Twerking a Good Workout?

Your body needs exercising, but you get to choose the workouts that suit you best. And when you exercise at home, you don’t need to worry about people watching, so the sky’s the limit. Well, the sky and your physical health; if you have back problems, a twerking workout isn’t an option for you.

But if your body allows it, twerkouts can get you in better shape, improve your flexibility, and get your metabolism working better. On top of that, watching yourself do a twerking dance workout in front of the mirror will make you more confident and bring some joy to your exercising routine.


Does twerking grow your glutes?

Twerking makes your glutes stronger and more defined, but it doesn’t change your anatomic characteristics. More precisely, your posterior won’t be bigger, but it will look better because the twerking workout targets that area in particular.

But it also helps your legs, thighs, back, joints, and overall flexibility.

Does twerking help abs?

Yes, you will feel the burn in your abs as well during a twerkout. You need your abs to pitch in to get your lower body muscles working. It may not be a full-body workout, but it’s pretty close.

Is twerking safe while pregnant?

Twerking while pregnant is something you need to discuss with your doctor. Every pregnancy is different, and you need a green light before trying something like a twerking workout. However, if your body was used to intensive exercising before and there is no indication of avoiding effort during pregnancy, your doctor may approve of this unique workout.

On the other hand, there are so many different exercises you can do; you may want to try this one after the baby comes.

What are twerking push-ups?

Twerking push-ups are like regular push-ups, but you add the ‘booty pop’ movement as you go up and down.

My guess is it’s as tricky as it looks.

Can I lose weight by shaking my body?

If the twerking workout is too hard for you, you can try simply shaking your body. Some fitness experts say that whole-body vibration can have some impact on your weight loss. Of course, using a vibration machine doesn’t equal a regular workout session, but it’s better than nothing.

It seems to help you lose weight, but it also improves your blood circulation and your flexibility, as well as relaxing your muscles after intense workouts.

Written by Mia Davis